Thursday, September 23, 2010
Final Exam
I deserve an A (100%)
step 6: Analysis of Project in the Real World
Making an ad campaign for Toms is about sending an message out. It speaks the truth. Its about educating consumers of a product and its benefits and why pick Toms over a different brand. Yes its all about selling the product also put, my message to the consumers is that buy our product and make yourself feel better. the product itself meets all the standards of a good, high end quality shoe in the their category. I believe that my advertising will make an impact to the consumers out there and actually take action, This can bring one time consumers or maybe loyal ones but it will bring our consumer together for a good cause and let's be honest who does not want to make a difference and have toms shoes. The are a trend and everyone wants them is about exposing the brand and build their position in the market to stronger and reachable to any consumer. It about consumers knowing Toms shoes are out there. This campaign with bring positive results to the company and bring more consumers.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
EOC: Art serving capitalism
"Capitalism, for the most part, distrusts art.
But a look at history shows that business has been at its best when it’s done with a sense of craft and surprise we associate with art.
Art is the stutter step that freezes the opponent. It’s a new way of seeing the world that takes things that are basically the same and makes them suddenly seem different. Art takes things that don’t belong together and welds them at high temperatures
Art teaches business to dance" (
I do believe they work by hand, art as a form of advertising or any kind of media always speaks the truth, and is there to educate people and make feel or take action about something. may companies uses these art tools for their own advantage for better or worst. I believe the art involved in it its pure hard working art, its about who is using and how!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
EOC: Triplets week 9

" The visual changes, h line changes, but the compositional template stays the same. Other elements that are maintained might include the color palette, style of images, work from the photographer or illustrator, or font family."( advertising by design, Landa pg 169.)
This a perfect example of triplets they have they same elements but different theme.
Step 5: Creative Content

Commercial Description:
The commercial begins with a young man walking in the park and later sits down on the bench fixes his shoes and looks at the camera and says " I walk in Toms"
Than a family is outside having fun in the front yard of their house with joy she says " we walk in Toms"
Later it moves where two little girls are having a friends day out and with joy they say " we walk in Toms"
At the end you see the CEO and children in need (happy having fun happy because they have shoes to wear thanks to all those people that purchase Toms) thankfully and the words "Make a difference.... Walk in Toms"
(these are proud consumers because they are having a good day in what they are doing because they know that because of them they are making another kid happy)
" some of the greatest advertising lines have two things in common: they don't sound like a sales pitch, and they ring true. some have even found their way into the common lexicon" (Advertising by Design, Robin Landa, pg.186)
I did a commercial to promote the new campaign for Toms shoes as you can see its easy to understand the message we are sending out to the consumers.
" when something is emphatically stated, we tend to believe it." (Advertising by Design, Robin Landa, pg. 93)
Step 4: Promotion
The type of promotion I could like to use it's a commercial, I want everyday people making a declaration of the product they use.
" making images from scratch-with hand tools, a camera, or software-it's the best way to go . The image can be the hero of the piece,and you know you created it." (Advertising by Design, Robin Landa, pg. 156)
Who will be involved in the promotion?
The creative director, the staff that put together the commercial. The PR people would be in charge of it same as the advertising agency .
When will it happen?
As so as everything is done it will come to air, in the month of November were people are starting to get ready to shop since the sale and holidays specials are coming back such as Black Friday.
How often will you hold a promotional event?
Enough to a point that the consumers know of the about the products and its benefits. In
this case I would air in Nov, Dic til February because we want the consumer to learn about us and they would probably shop because of the holidays but as soon as that is over I still want consumers have fresh in their minds the brand Toms.
Step 3: The Big Idea
" The idea is the unique thinking behind an ad or campaign, usually based on an emotional or functional benefit, or in brand spirit or style."(Advertising by Design, Robin Landa, pg. 67)
Step 2: Competitive analyses
Zappos is consider the biggest competition to any shoe company, in this case Toms it's not safe from competing against them.How do they draw customers and clients? & What amenities or facilities are offered that you don't have?
"I would define it as always looking for a new way to say and to do things that is both meaningful to yourself, your audience, and your client." (Advertising by Design, Robin Landa, pg. 167)
"As we grow as a company, it has become more and more important to explicitly define the core values from which we develop our culture, our brand, and our business strategies. These are the ten core values that we live by:
- Deliver WOW Through Service
- Embrace and Drive Change
- Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
- Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
- Pursue Growth and Learning
- Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
- Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
- Do More With Less
- Be Passionate and Determined
- Be Humble "
What challenges are they facing?"The rollout of the user interface, and the expansion into categories including small electronics and cookware, highlight the core of the company's mind-set: find out what the customer wants, and find the best way to deliver it.One challenge will be convincing customers who are happy to buy shoes from Zappos that they should also turn to the company for other items.:" ( think they are going to hard on adding the new products, because honestly they have to much stuff and when they you go on their its overwhelming to look at so many products and at the end you just don't what to pick from.I also believe some of their other challenges its the layout of their website it's horrible you don't feel like your shopping.How do they plan on improving?
If you keep reading in at the end it explains how they are going to improve but I personally think they should come out with a stronger solution. Yes they have great customer service but not only that is going to make succed.
" There is never a guarantee that one ad of any kind will reach millions of individuals or say the right of thing to everyone. But at least there should be a dialogue started that is more dimensional than the piece of paper a consumer holds or the flat box a consumer watches" (Advertising by Design, Robin Landa, pg. 167)
"Zappos is hoping the service that keeps customers coming back will have them looking at new categories. On any given day, 75 percent of orders are repeat customers, Hsieh said. The free shipping and customer service department stand in for advertising as well; Zappos does relatively little traditional advertising, spending about 85 percent of its marketing budget on online buys. Besides print ads in magazines, Zappos' offline buys include ads in airport security trays where passengers place their shoes." (
Step 1: Name of product: slogan

I picked Toms shoes because it's a product that has a purpose and I believe in their movement.
Slogan: walk in Toms...
" Don't think think in fancy words or pictures first. Whenever I have to write something. I ask myself. " What am I trying to say?" (Advertising by Design, Robin Landa pg. 50)
I made this slogan because Toms company has a movement for every shoe you buy you are giving one for free for the children, so walk in Toms and be part or our movement. Since it's targeted to young and older audience. It also works for a younger generation, for example the massage can be taken as be part of our movement or become the trend and wear Toms.
" Ideas come from understanding how and why people use a product or service" (Advertising by Design, Robin Landa pg. 42"
Thursday, September 2, 2010
EOC: Really good example of chapter 8

EOC: Authority week 8
I want to build an advertising with emotions it's all about the message, since Toms shoes its a company were I need the audience to feel and understand the message when reading or looking at the ad . I want to connect with the brand and feel what it's their purpose and actually believe in their philosophy "the future of tomorrow" It's about making in impact to receive an audience reaction!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
EOC: Exciting Ad Week 7

For example this ad creates an illusion, you think the dog actually did that and yet you see the image and feel he is creating a movement just a perfect example of advertising with illusion
In a magazine as, creating a meaningful hierarchical relationship between the main line and the visual is a delicate balancing act. As you can see the designer took in consideration the following step to create this Pedigree ad.
- Format
- scale (size relationships between types and images)
- weight and type
- Size of all type, including the line and body copy
- Arrangement ( composition)
- color and value
EOC: First thought Final Project

I want to do my project on Toms shoes because I like the brand and the company philosophy. They work for the future of tomorrow by helping little children by giving them shoes every time a customer purchase a shoe from them. I believe that advertising can be use to sell Toms product in a good way. the point is to sell the product but in this case their is a good cause behind it!
EOC: Make them laugh week 6
The Old Spice commercial is hilarious, the brand has been around for many years and back in the days it was a must have product. I remember that my dad would use their products all the time . The product it's not that popular anymore but it's still in the market and doing good. They did a come back with their new advertising making them win the #1 spot in commercials!
But why is it funny? just look at it!!!! hahahahaha
Thursday, August 19, 2010
EOC: Jerry Metellus

Mr. Jerry is a Las Vegas photographer that has worked his way to the top, by working hard on what his most passionate about. He learned from life and took a longer path to success, he has been his own teacher all the way till today.
Learn how to value your work and charge for what is worth, when it comes to that many professionals that has just started forget how much work there is involved in a project that they don't count the small details invested in the the project that when it comes to charging they may charge half of what is actually worth.
Jerry talks about how to understand your client and have a use of psychology when it comes to dealing with others. It's not about what you want it's about what the client wants, there the ones paying for it right!. It's our job to make their money worth.
As a professional you must learn your weaknesses and strengths and accept what you are made of and have the ability to provide a service by having a well build team that may have the strengths that you need to delivered what you promise.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
EOC: Ad Categories

Slice of Life Ad: as you can see is kids having fun doing sports its something the you on every day living.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
EOC: Bob Isherwood - Why is he Important? Week 4

Bob Isherwood was born in Australian and he es the former Worldwide Creative Director of Saatchi & Saatchi.
"For 12 years, Bob took ultimate responsibility for the communications ideas the company created for some of the world’s major corporations including Procter & Gamble and Toyota. He was, for example, the Global Creative Director responsible for the launch and mass marketing of Toyota’s Prius." (
" Bob is a fantastic creative, a true connector, a great friend and an inspired Worldwide Creative Director for Saatchi & Saatchi. Although he has been in advertising all his life, and is still one of the most modest men I know, there is only one word to capture who he is.
Winner." (
"But people close to Isherwood said that for some time now he has been antsy and niggled by a feeling that he needed to do something new. "For the past 12 years I've been focused on the reinvention of Saatchi & Saatchi," he told Ad Age from his home in Miami. "Now I've reached a point where I feel a need to reinvent myself."(
Bob has been in the industry for many years and dedicated himself around 23 years to Saatchi & Saatchi bringing to the company new ideas for them and opening a new creative world to their clients. His work has made history and impact in our society. People have falling in love with his work and just cant wait to see what's next for him. He is a creative who is constantly renovating himself.
BOC: Jerry Della Femina - The Big Idea week 4

"There is a great deal of advertising that is much better than the product. When that happens, all that the good advertising will do is put you out of business faster. " by Jerry Della Femina
"came into the advertising business in 1961 as a junior copywriter. It was in 1967, after a brief sojourn at one of the largest of the conservative old-line agencies, Ted Bates, that he co-founded Della Femina Travisano & Partners......Promising to put the fun back in the business, Jerry opened a new agency, Jerry, Inc., in December 1992, with the announcement that he had been awarded the Newsweek account." (
"Out of that Times profile sprung a book with the same title of the proposed ad campaign, which, of course, never ran. From Those Wonderful Folks Who Gave You Pearl Harbor: Front Line Dispatches from the Advertising War was published the following year. Four decades later, cited as a key source of inspiration for the series Mad Men, it's being re released timed to the start of the shows fourth season." (
"In 1970, he was confident that talent and guts would be sufficient to overthrow the establishment order, or at least to provide himself with a perch within it. And his confidence was well placed: today he leads an enviable life as a publisher and restaurateur with a newly relevant forty-year-old book to his credit." (
Jerry started in the business many years ago and he got involved in it in a young age. He as made many advertising and books, he approach the business with humor, open minded and ambition and that's is were it took him were he is now!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
EOC: Tabacco Advertising

Understand the creative brief: It is a good strategy, women are always worried about being in shape and candy is addictive, so why not a smoke no calories and you are satisfied in both ways taste and shape.
Say it outright: The ad use a popular language there was nothing fancy or bad of what they wrote, it's understandable what they are trying to say.
Know your audience: Their audience are women and they want to think about the brand as a alternative for sweets and yet maintain your looks.
Write your objective: The goal for the ad is for women to become loyal to the brand and have them smoke more.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
EOC week 2: Ethics in commercials
“Online Moms did not respond to the ad by racing out for Motrin. They were offended by the suggestion that they carry their babies to be “fashionable”. They were outraged at the idea that they look “crazy”. They vehemently disagreed with the phrasing that “in theory” carrying your baby around is a good idea.”
“So what’s the lesson here? Don’t assume you know what your target audience wants." (
“Offend mommy bloggers at your own peril. They can chew you up and spit you out in a day.” (
Motrin advertising was such a big mistake, the commercial came out on a Saturday and by Monday blogger and twitter mom were furious about this commercial. They try to sell their product by sending out a message of “we understand all the moms out there and that they feel the pain” but they sure didn’t know how to delivered the message well. Their wordings in the commercial were so wrong that there is not even one part that makes sense. I am not a mom and when I first saw it, I was like “ this commercial better be fake!!! It’s upsetting” I can’t image how real moms felt when they first saw the commercial.
I don’t know what happen to McNeil Consumer Healthcare's when they were doing this ad, I ask myself what type of research marketing did they do? To not even get close of how the consumer would react to it. Did they even test the advertising with people that portray their target market for this ad? If they thought this ad was a funny way to approach moms and their back pains, well Motrin think again because this was just bad!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
EOC week 1: VW Lemon

“The other presented just the car with "Lemon" in bold type. Ad copy explained that the chrome strip on the glove compartment was blemished and had to be replaced. The take-away was obvious. If this was Volkswagen's idea of a lemon, the Beetle must be a well-built car”
"This preoccupation with detail means the VW lasts longer and requires less maintenance, by and large, than other cars...........We pluck the lemons; you get the plums."
VW has made a big impact over the years when they started releasing their advertising campaigns such the Lemon ad and Think small ad, they approach to their market with a humor and creative way of saying yes we are small but worth it!!