Thursday, July 29, 2010

EOC: Tabacco Advertising

Interpret the problem: clearly they are targeting to women with a strong and weak message, back than women would follow for this message. For that time it was publish they wanted to get an audience and they sure did.

Understand the creative brief: It is a good strategy, women are always worried about being in shape and candy is addictive, so why not a smoke no calories and you are satisfied in both ways taste and shape.

Say it outright: The ad use a popular language there was nothing fancy or bad of what they wrote, it's understandable what they are trying to say.

Know your audience: Their audience are women and they want to think about the brand as a alternative for sweets and yet maintain your looks.

Write your objective: The goal for the ad is for women to become loyal to the brand and have them smoke more.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

EOC week 2: Ethics in commercials

“Online Moms did not respond to the ad by racing out for Motrin. They were offended by the suggestion that they carry their babies to be “fashionable”. They were outraged at the idea that they look “crazy”. They vehemently disagreed with the phrasing that “in theory” carrying your baby around is a good idea.”

“So what’s the lesson here? Don’t assume you know what your target audience wants." (

“Offend mommy bloggers at your own peril. They can chew you up and spit you out in a day.” (

Motrin advertising was such a big mistake, the commercial came out on a Saturday and by Monday blogger and twitter mom were furious about this commercial. They try to sell their product by sending out a message of “we understand all the moms out there and that they feel the pain” but they sure didn’t know how to delivered the message well. Their wordings in the commercial were so wrong that there is not even one part that makes sense. I am not a mom and when I first saw it, I was like “ this commercial better be fake!!! It’s upsetting” I can’t image how real moms felt when they first saw the commercial.

I don’t know what happen to McNeil Consumer Healthcare's when they were doing this ad, I ask myself what type of research marketing did they do? To not even get close of how the consumer would react to it. Did they even test the advertising with people that portray their target market for this ad? If they thought this ad was a funny way to approach moms and their back pains, well Motrin think again because this was just bad!!


I am creative person with a passion for the fashion business. I love how nothing is the same and it's a fast paced environment. As a professional I can work in a under pressure environment where there is an endless list of skills required to survive this business. From doing Retail to designing a clothing line, doing a fashion event to being a creative director,Trend forecaster to style any person. I have the ability move myself into any area of the fashion business and gain experience from it, yet at the same time I have found my strength and weaknesses, in which obviously I have focus on my strength to become good at and learn in my weaknesses so a can become better but yet avoid them you can't be good at everything right! I am mainly focus on Event Planning and Marketing.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

EOC week 1: VW Lemon

“The large copy printed at the bottom of the ad says “LEMON” which caused the viewer to question his intuitive knowledge about Volkswagen’s high standards. The ad agency successfully caught the viewer’s attention by using self-effacing humor” (

“The other presented just the car with "Lemon" in bold type. Ad copy explained that the chrome strip on the glove compartment was blemished and had to be replaced. The take-away was obvious. If this was Volkswagen's idea of a lemon, the Beetle must be a well-built car”

"This preoccupation with detail means the VW lasts longer and requires less maintenance, by and large, than other cars...........We pluck the lemons; you get the plums."

VW has made a big impact over the years when they started releasing their advertising campaigns such the Lemon ad and Think small ad, they approach to their market with a humor and creative way of saying yes we are small but worth it!!